Wednesday, June 24, 2009

searching, but nothing so far

Is there anyone on the planet right now more irresponsible than Glenn Beck and his ridiculous War Room?


  1. who are you?? i don't recall...


  2. it's been awhile. heh. pretty pathetic that it takes Glenn Beck to bring me back to life. But hey, more stunning news: King of Pop and Farrah, the Queen of Hair, are dead??? How is that possible?

  3. Well some people must not find it so ridiculous. He typically draws more viewers than any other cable news host except Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity, despite being on at 5 p.m., (New York Time) which is a slow shift for cable news. Unless most people are watching it just for laughs.

    By the way it's nice to see you commenting again.

  4. And how about his recent guest, author Michael Scheuer, who said "...the only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States." That's the only chance we have?? This is what millions of people tune in to hear?? Really? It seems kinda clear that sheer volume of viewers doesn't in itself qualify a person as intelligent, responsible, sane, helpful, reasonable or any of those things...

    Hope you're having a great summer Blogball!

  5. I have to admit that was a really stupid way to say America needs some kind of rally cry. I think because he (Schuerer) thinks the situation is so bad the way “politicians prize their offices, prize the praise of the media, and the Europeans” (I happen to agree with that) that we need some kind of wake up call. At the end of the clip you can hear Beck saying if I were him (I think he is referring bin Laden) that that would be the last thing I would do right now. Maybe to try to defuse his comment. All he accomplished by saying this is create a rally cry for the left as they play this clip over and over again.

  6. Ah yes...politics are so silly sometimes on both sides. Everyone seizing any chance to highlight the stupidity of the other side. One would think it would keep everyone pretty humble but it doesn't seem to work that way!
