Thursday, January 22, 2009

cutting off the nose to spite the face

I hesitate to bring this up but it's been on my mind; I'll get it off my chest and then move on. We have a new president; there will be some changes---good and bad, depending on one's viewpoint. There will be policies and positions that won't be popular with everyone. I understand that. But it seems unbelievably narrow-minded, short-sided, immature and spiteful to be able to say: "I hope he fails." If the President of the United States fails, where does that leave us, its people? Don't we fail too then? It's hard to get how you can wish for the first thing without understanding that surely the second one follows.


  1. I don't think it's quite that simple. If you sincerely believe that a president's policies will lead your country in a direction that you consider to be detrimental to the country, that will restrict freedoms, or change the fabric of the country, make us weaker as a nation, make us more dependent on our government and less dependent on ourselves, then yes, I can see someone hoping that the president, or maybe more accurately, his policies, fail. Out of spite because maybe your side didn't win? No,I think that's immature and short sighted. Out of a genuine concern for the future of your country? I absolutely think it's a valid feeling.

  2. There were many many who believed those same things of the president who just left office---policies that weakened our country and our reputation...but one still had to hope for success. What's the consequence otherwise? If the president fails, we as a nation, as a people are the losers. To wish for that or hope for that?...hmmm. We'll have to see how much that furthers the cause of the American people, I guess.

  3. (and as this could be possibly someone I know, no hard feelings! no offense meant).

  4. I guess we'll see how it goes! It will be interesting to see what the future holds, won't it?! Personally, I pray that our president is a good president. I also pray that if he undertakes anything that is not for the good of our country that it fails. I also prayed the same thing for our last president.

  5. No offense taken...and none given, I hope!

  6. not at all...good to see all sides and perspectives.

  7. Why can't we have a conversation as who we really are, though, instead of 'anonymous'?

  8. I think we'll all be ok, why none of this panic when our previous presidents were elected? Color?

  9. yes, I don't know. Party? The "wrong" side of the aisle? Hard to say. Time will tell, I reckon.

  10. and not minimizing the desire to maintain and restore values that we believe in. I know that's a big driver. Unfortunately, the country doesn't just run on that, tho, and there are other issues involved too. Anyway, it's interesting to hear and see reactions.
