Friday, January 30, 2009

a lot of mouths to feed

Recently in the news has been the story of the woman who gave birth to octuplets. Amazingly they're all doing really well. The controversy that has sprung up is two-fold: 1) she already HAS 6 kids and despite this, she 2) got fertility treatments. I guess there's a third fold: some believe that implanting her with 8 embryos is akin to medical malpractice. The ethics of the whole thing is somewhat in question alright, but for me it's centered more on the mom: why on earth would you have 8 more kids when you already have 6? Is that responsible? And it's not like they're all staggered in ages. To top it off, this woman is 30 and single. 30 and SINGLE!!!! How can one person adequately parent 14 kids? How can two people even do that? Who has that kind of energy and stamina? And, relating to that third fold, who would implant her with 8 embryos when there are 6 children already at home, and she's single? How is she taking care of these kids? How is she feeding them? It doesn't seem sufficient that she lives with her parents: they're still outnumbered significantly. AND they live in a 3 bedroom home. In light of the economic times we're currently facing, in light of the fact that this woman isn't married (I'm sure for some this is irrelevant), in light of the fact that she's not exactly set up room-wise for 14 kids....this just seems extremely irresponsible and self-centered. Am I completely off-base?


  1. don't think you're off-base. i've been thinking the same thing! even before i heard of her situation, i was wondering how she would handle having 8 children at once. but when i heard that she already had 6 kids, was single, lived with her parents, etc., well, it boggled my mind.

  2. my word verification was "fessupl." thought it was kind of apropos. :-)

    also, saw the video of your baby girl. she's so darling! i would probably play with her all day.

  3. yeah, it's kind of hard to get anything done with this little cute black ball of fur!! and that was a great verification!! ha! Fess up for sure. And knock it off, too. Crazy woman. She'll probably try it again.

  4. I thought it was hilarious that she intends to breast feed this 8 IF she could provide enough milk for 8 kids...when she is so exhausted she can't think, hasn't had time to eat, has 6 other kids needing her attention, etc. etc....

  5. uh, yeah....good luck on that one!! I mean, it's not exactly a mind over matter feat!! or teat, as it were. heh.
